Battlefield Maps in Real Life

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Tried to reply some of the comments but don't know why it wouldn't allow me to. So I'll just put it down here: Thanks for the corrections and infos. I'm nowhere near pro in these areas but am glad that my articles drew some attentions and also some decent minds! But unfortunately, I'm now spending most time on working and being a proper housewife, which means no more gaming for me for a good while! So may my lost  nerd power remain in you guys! ...

Monday, March 18, 2013

BF3 Hit Detection Investigated

I really don't wanna do this again as some people just go all jumpy whenever things turn out not exactly what they thought.... but meanwhile I really have to do this as some false statements have been already widely spread and EA/ DICE are getting away from this.. (I may not be perfectly right on this topic but I've tried my best)  There's this common thinking that BF3's client side hit detection makes players with high ping harder to kill,...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nerdy Weapon Setup: Part 1 - NATO AR

M16A3 | HK416 | M16A4 | F2000 | G3A3 | FAMAS | L85A2 | SCAR-L | AUG A3 (Click to navigate) - M16A3 1) US Navy Iron Sight Underslung Rail No Attachment/ Heavy Barrel/ Flash Supp US Navy sailors shooting, via M16A3, or officially, M16A2E3, comes with fixed handle, so Iron Sight is the only way to go. Most A3 in service utilize the classic ribbed handguard, which is not available in BF3, but I did...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Optics Part3: 3.4x Magnification

American 3.4x Optic - ELCAN SpecterOS 3.4x  The M145 Machine Gun Optic, or MGO, is a variant of ELCAN's SpecterOS 3.4x designed for Canadian Forces (Salute! =D). It was first adopted back in 1989 by the Canadian military, designated as C79 scope, and has been widely equipped on C7 assault rifles, C8 carbines, and C9 light machineguns. (Canadian's M16, M4, M249). The U.S military eventually adopted C79, with some modifications, and designated...

Friday, February 1, 2013

Optics Part2: 4x-Magnifications

American 4x Optic - Trijicon ACOG TA31 RCO  The Trijicon TA31 RCO is a standard issued rifle scope in US forces, designated as M150. It is used with both eyes open, unlike traditional blind sight. via  In BF3 it occupies more than a third of the screen space, and has obvious tunnel effect, which results in limited field of view. And the reticle is also much bigger than it is in real life.  In the...