Monday, October 8, 2012

Brief and Simple History of Modern Iran

was like

Once upon a time, Iran was a country under constitutional monarchy like the UK, with a King and a prime minister..

Mine mine mine... hehehe
But its oil fields were under BP's control..

So the new elected prime minister said: "WE WANT OUR OIL BACK!"

"We need your help, mate!"
BP asked for help from the British Government, and so MI6 asked CIA for help

"Boring.... stop QQing"
But President Truman said "NO..."

"A WUUuuut???"
"He's a communist! U SCARED BRO?"

Until Prime Minister Churchill told  President Eisehower that the current Iranian prime minister is converting to communism

So CIA went in Iran ASAP and removed the Prime Minister of Iran, giving the king ultimate power to rule his country, and let Britain, the U.S., France, and Netherlands regain their controls to Iran's oil again.

But the king became a tyrant and people were suffering

So the religion leader overthrown the dynasty and created the Islamic Republic

America BFF!

Fearing the spreading revolution from his neighbor country, Saddam Hussein ordered an attack on Iran, the two nations thus went into war for 9 years, with both sides supported by the U.S from time to time

Now with Saddam gone, Iran became the next biggest target of the U.S in the Middle East, labeled as the "Axis of Evil"

Meanwhile under the rule of the new Islamic government, human rights such as women rights have become a well known issue among the international society. Even though Iran has been one of the most democratic nation in the Middle East

This, my friends, is how Iran evolved into its state today.
And Go Iranian girls! You are the BEST! <3


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